Wednesday, June 30, 2010

30 June 2010, 3.17a.m.


Tomorrow got Maths (Probability and Statistic) mid-term test ar...

I always put my maths subject in high expectation.

Hope that always can get A in my maths. Hehe~


This time for me got a bit challenging lor...

Not much time to do revision...

Meeting with S.A.D. make me feel stress today...

Suddenly feel that still got many things not yet prepare, but we still at there waste our time.


What to do?! We just like sand!!!

I need you all to support me...

Going to be a busy month for me and you all...

Hope that our event will be successful this time...


Recently keep stay up to late, even until morning only sleep...

Skip classes always...

What happened to me?!

This not ME!

Why my attitude will changed?

Why? Why? Why?

Not just three why in my mind, there are still got many uncountable why in my mind and rest of my life.

Every time saw the post sure will down for few minutes...

I can't do anything, just can worry you at the other side...


I don't know what decision you gonna make, but my sense tell me that is not a good thing...

Don't know lar, wait and see.

Trust you.

Bro ar Bro, don't think so much lo. Be confident! You can make it. Don't let moody become your girlfriend and not she. Cheer~

Lastly, good luck to all D.I.T. classmates! Good luck for tomorrow test!!!


  1. 不要把你的世界变得那么复杂,也不要太执着,做你现在应做的本份,不要令父母希望。可以明白等待是很痛苦的事,可是等待也可以很充实。在等巴士站的当儿,可以听听音乐,或者读读书,跟朋友聊天,这样等待就变得有意义。可是同时你也要知道巴士也有迟到和故障的时候,难道你要一辈子在巴士站等吗?那么你永远都不会到达目的地。。。

  2. 那为什么一定要在这个时候把感情放在你的世界呢?放下吧!专心做你应做的事,感情,以后再来打算。。。相信我,这个时候你不适合也没能力再理感情的时,越理越心疼,何必呢?你又不是七老八十。。。
